I have booksforsale, lots of booksforsale. OK I dont really have many booksforsale,
but I think the booksforsale that I have are interesting booksforsale.
So if you see some booksforsale that you like, on this booksforsale website,
why not drop me a line at [email protected].
If you see something you like, e-mail
I hope the title says it all. Here is how it works.
- I collect 'interesting' books.
- Decide from time to time to sell some
- Advertise them here
- You see something you like
- Email me, discuss further
details, P&P etc
- When all is agreed send postal order (no cheques or cards yet - sorry)
- Book is then sent out as per agreed details
I hope to keep things that simple
I try to be thorough when describing the books without going on and on and
on... in order that you wont be disappointed when you receive whatever you have
bought from me. I also feel that I undergrade the books, again in order that you
are not disappointed: quite frankly having to return a book is a waste of
everybody's time.
Books are listed by author surname. Please choose a section.
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